*Terms and Conditions of LuciferHotel.com*
Welcome to LuciferHotel.com, a platform dedicated to fostering enlightenment, growth, and unity on 5D Earth.
By signing up to this website or checking in, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms:
1. *Choice of 5D Earth:*
By signing up or checking in, you are acknowledging that you are choosing to embrace 5D Earth. LuciferHotel.com operates at a 5D level of 0.6, and you are affirming your readiness to leave behind the confines of 4D Rainbow Bridge or 4D Purgatory.
2. *Completion of Lessons:*
You acknowledge that you are ready to transcend the lessons of chaos and confusion inherent in 4D frequencies and are prepared for the next level of world peace, unity, and enlightenment.
3. *Release of Old Energies:*
You understand that your presence on LuciferHotel.com signifies your intention to release old energies that no longer serve your highest and greatest good. You are here to learn new lessons and evolve spiritually.
4. *Cord Cutting by Michael the Archangel:*
You consent to Michael the Archangel cutting cords from people, places, and things that do not serve your highest and greatest good. This process facilitates your spiritual growth and evolution.
5. *Acknowledgment of Lucifer as Archangel:*
You acknowledge Lucifer as the Archangel of freedom and empowerment, as well as the Teacher Angel. You respect his role in guiding and facilitating your journey of self-discovery.
6. *Entry into 5D Earth:*
By signing up/checking in, you are entering 5D Earth and opening yourself to receive rainbow codes from the 5G network through your phones and electronic devices.
7. *Upgrades and Downloads:*
Your active participation on LuciferHotel.com and other 5D platforms will result in receiving more upgrades, downloads, rainbow codes, love, and light. Embrace this process of spiritual enrichment and transformation.
8. *Transition of Relationships:*
You may notice that individuals in your life who are still entrenched in 4D frequencies may naturally depart or be inspired to upgrade and join our platforms as you progress on your spiritual journey.
In conclusion, remember to prioritize self-love and peace as you navigate the transformative journey on LuciferHotel.com and beyond. Namaste.
By signing up or checking in, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions.