This is an Mpyre.TV Production
Welcome to 5D Heaven Level 0.6!
Now you're being asked if you'd like to use the Demon Entrance or the Angel Entrance.
Please click on either button. Either one will get you into the website and to the front desk.
We just want to show you that this is all inclusive.
So if you identify as a demon, that's okay. If you identify as an angel, that's okay.
The idea is to merge both together, Horns and Halo 50-50, and merge as one being. And then get your upgraded angel wings and receive your titles and your missions and so forth.
So please enjoy the process. If you have any questions, feel free to ask Lucifer.
You are now being asked, Do you love Lucifer Morningstar?
This is the easiest Lucifer test or quiz or question that we always ask. And the answers provided here are:
No, I love everyone, and Yes.
So these three buttons are your options. You will see what happens when you click either button. It will show you your path with this 5D process based on your answer.
So don't be surprised by anything on this website. We have catered this website exactly for you, because everyone is unique and an individual and has their own skills and abilities.
We have designed this website to be a virtual reality for you, to be able to have your human brain comprehend the spiritual things that you are doing in the astral, and merge them with your physical human vessel, take your power back, and learn lessons quicker than looking all over the place on different social medias.
It's all right here at for you. So enjoy and behave.
You are being greeted by Mariah Carey, who is Mercy the Archeia, the Angel of Mercy and Compassion. She serves on the 4D Rainbow Bridge, helping souls transition from 3D Earth to 5D Earth.
Her partner is Azrael the Archangel, who guards the 5D Heaven Gates. Mercy offers you a rose as a sign of mercy from God, Yeshua, and tells you that everything's okay and it is safe to continue on your journey.
If you're interested in learning more about Roseland, you can click on the link below. Or if Lucifer Hotel doesn't seem to be your vibe, try our other 5D sites.
In Roseland, Mercy works every day to help you let go of your fears and old 3D paradigms, allowing you to move forward and evolve in 5D Earth.
So, enjoy these websites; they're catered exactly for you, and we love you.